Custom Healing Cap

By |Published On: 30 September 2021|1.6 min read|Views: 317|

A client recently approached PartMaker with a particular issue regarding an implant system. The customer is a periodontist who primarily uses Straumann WN implants but finds the standard healing caps to be too wide. This is a common occurrence as the standard healing cap can be hard to place when close to the tooth or when placed slightly subgingivally. As such, the team at PartMaker came up with a custom healing cap specifically to address this issue.

In a bid to generate ideal soft tissue architecture, customised healing caps have become a powerful tool in implantology.  A great system is the Cervico system, which caters to customised emergence profiles. Sometimes however, it is beneficial to have a machined part, especially at the back of the mouth. Hence, often dentists prefer commissioning PartMaker to make healing caps with their own profile to suit their surgical techniques.

This refined design of the custom healing cap allow the dental surgeon better gum volume as the gum heals around the implant. The healing caps can be made from either grade 5 titanium or PEEK plastic for optimum biocompatibility. They are also provided non-sterile to allow for processing using the clinic’s standards sterilising procedures. Furthermore, PartMaker is in the process of creating a catalogue that will include these parts once ISO 13485 has been secured.

This is just one the many examples of the high-end custom work that is done in the PartMaker workshop. Feel free to contact us at for further inquiries.

PartMaker is a manufacturing company that makes custom dental solutions such as custom screws, abutments, LOCATOR® compatible parts, and many more for different systems to service the specific needs of clients and customers. This experience with a wide range of custom products gives PartMaker an upper hand in developing innovative solutions to unique problems.  

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