Milled Titanium Bars

By |Published On: 23 September 2021|1.7 min read|Views: 325|

A client recently approached PartMaker wishing to manufacture a few bars for a patient. In this instance, no design work was required by the PartMaker team as the client already had the required design files. The bars were required to be made from titanium and would be milled from an 18mm standard disc. After discussing with the team on how to best fulfil the manufacturing requirements, the project was approved by both parties and manufacturing commenced.

Milling titanium requires not only special strategies, but also knowledge of the way on how different variations of titanium handles along with the exact geometry of the parts. The bars are usually milled from grade 5 titanium alloy, although sometimes a cobalt chrome alloy is used. PartMaker uses MillBox and Sum3d CAM software to generate the tool paths. Special inspection and verification instruments were also used to ensure the milled bars comply with fit requirements.

The milling strategy used for these bars involve around 10 tools and each framework takes between 3-4 hours to complete. The titanium blanks used to mill the bars are either PartMaker material or from German Supplier Scheftner. Furthermore, PartMaker uses Janpo Tools and Hangsterfer’s Lubricants for the milling operations to ensure the utmost quality in the final product finishing.

This is just one the many examples of the high-end custom work that is done in the PartMaker workshop. Feel free to contact us at for further inquiries.

PartMaker is a manufacturing company that makes custom dental solutions such as custom screws, abutments, LOCATOR® compatible parts, and many more for different systems to service the specific needs of clients and customers. This experience with a wide range of custom products gives PartMaker an upper hand in developing innovative solutions to unique problems.   

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