Equinox Myriad Plus Implants

By |Published On: 16 September 2021|1.8 min read|Views: 570|

PartMaker recently had a client from Canada reach out with the hopes of reproducing an obsolete analog, abutment, and screw for the Myriad Plus implants system by Equinox. The client had encountered a patient from India that had these Myriad Plus implants installed, and when he looked into purchasing replacement parts for them, found they were unavailable on the market.

The Myriad System was acquired by Straumann in 2016 and hence, discontinued their older dental parts. To resolve this issue, in-depth discussions were had between PartMaker and the client to ensure an appropriate solution was found to reproducing the parts.

After careful consideration, Dr Hart and the team at PartMaker proposed an effective method by utilising the specialist equipment in the PartMaker workshop to produce an exact replica of all the required parts. This was found to be ideal as instead of modifying an existing system’s part to conform to the Myriad Plus specifications, causing possible fit issues, a direct replica will solve those problems.

In order to reproduce the Myriad Plus parts, the client had to send in the original parts to be accurately measured. Utilising precision measuring apparatus and a profile projector machine, the team was then able to create a 3D model of the parts utilising a host of 3D modelling software. The end result was a successful reproduction of the original Myriad Plus parts.

This is just one the many examples of the high-end custom work that is done in the PartMaker workshop. Feel free to contact us at admin@partmaker.com.au for further inquiries.

PartMaker is a manufacturing company that makes custom dental solutions such as custom screws, abutments, LOCATOR® compatible parts, and many more for different systems to service the specific needs of clients and customers. This experience with a wide range of custom products gives PartMaker an upper hand in developing innovative solutions to unique problems.

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