Laser Engraving custom dental parts at PartMaker

By |Published On: 22 March 2021|2.5 min read|Views: 239|

At PartMaker, we believe in the importance of customer satisfaction. As such, we provide laser engraving services for majority of our products. This is especially true for our main product, our screwdriver sets which come in multiple colour variants and complimentary laser engraving.

What is laser engraving?

Laser engraving is a manufacture process where the surface of a material is marked by a high energy laser beam. This high energy beam creates intense heat that vaporises or melts the material in question with a predefined design [1]. Laser engraving requires different temperatures for different materials due to the different melting points of metals such as aluminium, stainless steel and titanium [2].

MaterialMelting Point
Aluminium 6061585°C
Stainless Steel 3161375—1400°C
Titanium Grade 5 Ti-6Al-4V [5]1604 – 1660 °C
Table 1: Melting point of different metals [2]

Why is laser engraving useful?

Laser engraving provides customers with some of the following advantages:

1) Customisability

Firstly, it provides customers with the ability to engrave their practice logos and names on the screwdriver sets they purchase. To be specific, the practice or practitioner’s name can be engraved on the base while the lids can be engraved with logo’s as long as it is provided in the file format “.ai”. This provides practitioners with a degree of customisability, making the implant screwdriver set more personal to them.

2) Easy part recognition

A large portion of our customers “dabble” in implant dentistry and constantly handle multiple small parts of varying shapes and sizes. This large variety of parts can often be confusing and this is where clear and easily read laser engravings make a big difference in the usability of the products. Additionally, laser engravings are durable and long lasting .

3) Part Traceability

In line with strict medical device standards, laser engraving plays an important role in enabling part traceability. Bar codes and identifying codes can be engraved onto stainless steel or titanium parts to help trace part batches for quality purposes.

What laser engraving services does PartMaker provide?

PartMaker laser engraves the implant screwdriver sets and screwdrivers that we sell. We also laser engrave custom orders according to customer specifications.

Look below to see some pictures of PartMaker laser engraved parts.

Laser engraving is just one of the many services that PartMaker offers. We hope to offer our customers customisability in order to provide them the best possible experience.



[1] Sculpteo. 2021. Laser Engraving Definition. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 27 January 2021].

[2] Laserax. 2021. How Does Laser Engraving Work?. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 23
January 2021].

[3] Sparr, A., 2021. Properties Of Grade 5 Titanium (Ti6al4v Or Ti 6-4) – Parts
Badger. [online] Parts Badger. Available at: <https://parts-
/> [Accessed 24 January 2021].

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