Reproducing Discontinued Titanium Screws

By |Published On: 13 August 2021|1.6 min read|Views: 293|

A client recently approached PartMaker with the hopes of replicating a discontinued titanium screw. The client encountered a patient that had the part installed, but was recently found to be damaged, and upon further investigation, realised there weren’t any replacement parts available off-the-shelf as the patient had the part installed over 30 years ago. To resolve this issue, a custom solution was needed, which prompted an in-depth discussion between PartMaker and the client.

After careful consideration, Dr Hart and the team at PartMaker proposed an effective method whereby a direct replica of the part would be created. This was found to be an ideal solution as instead of modifying existing parts to fit the patient’s implant system, a direct replica avoids any of the potential compatibility issues that might arise.

The original part was received split into two pieces. In order to get an accurate measurement of the part, it was reattached before using a profile projector machine to get an accurate scan. The team was then able to recreate an accurate replica of the original part utilisng 3D modelling softwares. The end result was a successful reproduction of the original part which would serve as a direct replacement for the patient’s original damaged part.

This is just one of many examples of the high-end custom work that is done in the PartMaker workshop. Feel free to contact us at for further inquiries.

PartMaker is a manufacturing company that makes custom dental solutions such as custom screws, abutments, LOCATOR® compatible parts, and many more for different systems to service the specific needs of clients and customers. This experience with a wide range of custom products gives PartMaker an upper hand in developing innovative solutions to unique problems.

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